Local Lake Level and Road Condition Information for Norfork Lake
Here you'll find essential information to help anglers plan their trips more effectively, including up-to-date Norfork Lake dam generation schedules, current water levels, and projected lake levels. Understanding these details allows fishermen to anticipate water conditions and optimize their time on the water. Additionally, this page features road conditions and closure updates, ensuring safe and efficient travel to and from the lake. Whether you're a local or a visitor, these resources make it easy to stay informed and be prepared for a successful fishing or boating experience on Norfork Lake in Arkansas.
In the following information, "Elevation" shows the lake level as feet above mean sea level (ft-MSL). "Tailwater" shows the river level as feet above mean sea level (ft-MSL). "Release" is shown as cubic feet per second (CFS). Electrical "Generation" is shown as megawatt hours (MWh).
Projected Generation Schedules (see column 14 for Norfork Dam)
Mississippi 601-359-1993
Missouri 888-275-6636
Oklahoma 844-465-4997
Tennessee 877-244-0065
Texas 800-452-9292