Mountain Bicycling & Hiking Around Lake Norfork Near Mountain Home, Arkansas

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The Pigeon Creek Trail System
A National Recreational Trail System

Less than ten minutes from Mountain Home, Arkansas you will find one of the premier trail systems in the Ozarks. Located on Highway 201 North at the Pigeon Creek Park on Lake Norfork, this 'stacked loop' trail system offers over twenty miles of bicycling and hiking opportunities along the shoreline area of Lake Norfork.

The trails vary in length and difficulty, with elevation difference of 250 feet maximum, ensuring a great experience for bicyclist and hikers of all skill levels.  In June of 2001 the Pigeon Creek Trail system was added to the National Recreational Trail program.

Developed and maintained by the Twin Lakes Bicycle Club (TLBC), through a Volunteer program with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, this trail system has fast become a favorite with off-road bicyclist in a four state region. This is where the TLBC hosts the Pigeon Roast each spring, one of the annual Arkansas Mountain Bike Championship Series events. TLBC uses the revenue from the race to maintain and expand the trail system for outdoor recreational use by the local community and area visitors alike.

Extreme biking! Maps of the trail system, along with GPS on topographical maps, are available locally at Bikes & Things, Inc., a local full service retail bicycling shop.

From the trail head the route you choose may take you through deep ravines with large out-crops of limestone shelves, then up into aromatic cedar glades. You'll ride along a creek bank lined with pine trees. In the spring you'll enjoy a hill top view of a broad expanse of dogwood trees in full bloom.

Old road beds and the remnants of homesteads long ago reclaimed by nature can often be found near patches of now-wild iris and roses planted in the days before the Lake Norfork reservoir was built.

In the heat of summer Lake Norfork offers a refreshing cool-off swim after a strenuous ride or hike. In the winter a morning fog is often seen rising from the water with the sounds of unseen migratory birds drifting with the fog. Deer, squirrels, rabbits, and wild turkey sightings are common. Several species of wildflowers bloom from early April through October attracting a wide range of butterfly species. Whether you bike it  or hike it, you'll soon discover why the Pigeon Creek Trail System is considered to be one of the premier trail systems in the Ozarks.

In our Web site you'll find a description and maps of each trail, as well as maps for the entire trail system, use guidelines and regulations. Thanks for visiting!



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